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Repair work was put in hand, and a survey of the building condition carried out.
After that, everything seems to pale, including the testing accountability programs, technology, building conditions.
She also led a campaign that got 275 workers to sign a petition protesting building conditions.
In 2009, reports of disrepair and poor building conditions emerged.
Building conditions were hazardous and 2,100 workers perished during the construction of the original line.
This scared lenders because it posed a long-term threat to building conditions.
Colored stars indicate building condition, from moderate damage to total collapse.
It is also in the sponsor's interest to represent the building condition in the best light possible.
The law bars rent withholding from 7A administrators for inadequate building conditions.
Rents can vary drastically, depending on building conditions, brokers say.
A clause in the lease required the lessee to maintain building conditions up to a certain standard.
In places where the building conditions were especially unpromising, iron bridges were created.
Thousands of tenants, whether on public assistance or not, lack the income to pay rent sufficient to maintain decent building conditions.
However, renovation delays, unforeseen building conditions, and lengthy zoning battles resulted.
Rapidly deteriorating building conditions resulted in the March 2010 collapse of a portion of the roof and west wall.
Moreover, the rule against "service reductions" leads to operational rigidity when outmoded building conditions cannot easily be changed.
Entered into a computer data base, the locations were cross-referenced with city records that detailed ownership, building conditions and housing code violations.
Without contact with a police commander, the fire chiefs have told the commission, they lacked critical observations made by police helicopters about deteriorating building conditions.
But poor building conditions and a growing collection spurred Mr. Loehr to find a new building.
R-Rebuild through improving building conditions with Code Enforcement and Ordinance changes.
"Studies about student academic achievement and building condition conclude that the quality of the physical environment significantly affects student achievement.
The agency does, however, respond to specific complaints about building conditions, he said, adding that complaints concerning structural problems get immediate attention from the agency.
Height and Condition of Building (such as the number of stories, foundation type, external building conditions)
Building conditions at the time considered to be unsuitable resulted in the development of Inuvik to the east, meant to entirely replace Aklavik.
The Emergency Repair Program began in 1966 to allow the city housing agency to step in quickly to meet emergency building conditions.
"It's going to tell you the actual physical condition of the building."
Even though the financial condition of the building is "very good," she said, "we've been turned down all over town."
During the 20th century the condition of the building deteriorated.
The district is not directly responsible for the condition of the buildings.
"And the owner is ultimately responsible for the condition of the building."
The condition of the building is putting its future in jeopardy.
The school is to receive 35 million pounds to improve the condition of the building.
He also can make it difficult for shareholders to examine the financial condition of the building.
The condition of the building has a direct effect on the valuation.
Also not in dispute is the condition of the buildings the morning after the raid.
It is currently in private ownership, and the condition of the building has been allowed to decline.
By then the deteriorated condition of the building forced its closure.
Members of the group are particularly upset with the condition of the buildings.
The condition of the building gradually deteriorated, and its use became restricted.
In 2007, the government evaluated the condition of the buildings, and found them all structurally sound.
The poor condition of the building and maintenance expenses were cited as reasons to change facilities.
Because of the condition of the building, no bank would give them a regular mortgage, which costs less per month.
And it shows in the condition of the buildings."
The physical condition of the building is ranked as worse than 90 percent of the city school buildings.
Fire officials attributed the partial collapse to the bad condition of the building, which was being renovated.
City officials were investigating the cause of the deaths and the condition of the building where they occurred.
Unfortunately not much care was taken and as of 2012, the condition of the building started to deteriorate.
The condition of the building continued to deteriorate although the gatehouse remained in use as a court.
Plans were drawn up for a new courthouse in 1938 due to complaints about the deteriorating conditions of the building.
You have to connect the condition of the building with the health of your faith."
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