They asked if it was safe to go into a high-rise building.
The area above ground is currently being developed into a new high-rise building.
The high-rise building will be completed in the year 2000.
"I think it will be a long time before people go into high-rise buildings again."
Many high-rise buildings have been built into the area during this period.
The plan for a new high-rise apartment building had not yet become well known in the area yesterday.
People living in high-rise apartment buildings did not have any water, he said.
IT is unusual for a show house to be in a high-rise apartment building.
Just look out of any high-rise apartment building in Manhattan.
If in a high-rise building, be prepared to take shelter on or below the 10th floor.
An example of this type of installation would be a multi-story building.
There was even talk of closing down the market in order to erect multi-story buildings on this important site.
Above that hung the facade of what once had been a multi-story building.
It then moved to a multi-story building across Hamilton Street immediately to the south.
Recent infrastructural development and economic growth has seen several multi-story buildings being built in the city.
In multi-story buildings, such a system is called a curtain wall.
The street is lined with large multi-story commercial buildings, most of which were built in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The present multi-story building was erected between 1893 and 1894.
The room went up like a torch, and the fire quickly spread throughout the multi-story building.
There are also a lot of construction work for many multi-story buildings is under-process.