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The key area on which we must focus our attention is budgetary reform.
I really think we need a much more extensive budgetary reform.
Here are a few structural budgetary reforms I will support.
Nevertheless, a review of both systems provides important insights into the problems associated with budgetary reform.
Unfortunately, this idea is not popular with all European governments, who often lack the political will to make budgetary reforms.
I have long supported a balanced budget amendment as a key tool for budgetary reform.
But fueled by its own inertia, the state has enacted little in the way of budgetary reform.
Instead, when budgetary reform took place it took the form of a three tier decision making unit.
The basic problem with budgetary reform is that it not only requires administrative reform, but also strong political support.
This would be a starting point for rational budgetary reform, and it is also a call to action for you, Commissioner.
And he stressed the importance of budgetary reforms.
While there, he focused on fiscal issues and was instrumental in implementing several notable budgetary reforms.
As net contributors to the EU budget, they also increased the voice for budgetary reform.
The first step is to choose a new director general capable of commanding respect and instituting budgetary reforms, something even the Russians want.
While many new ideas have been promoted for budgetary reform it remains the case that they have generally failed to gain general acceptance.
Prospects significantly improved under the Kibaki government, whose policy aims include budgetary reforms and debt restraint.
Mr President, the economic and budgetary reform process indicated by the Ecofin Council must be continued.
Moreover, the areas singled out by the government for budgetary reform are appropriate: pensions, social security, the civil service and the broadening of the tax base.
He also faulted the effort for not including cuts to defense spending and tax increases, which Hoyer argued must be part of any serious budgetary reform.
Journalist Steven Pearlstein advocated in May 2010 a comprehensive series of budgetary reforms.
I do believe there ought to be budgetary reform in Washington, on the Hill - Capitol Hill.
With any hope, this vote sent a clear message that it's time to stop with the political pandering and get serious about bringing about real budgetary reforms.
Koike supports for economic liberalism, promotes administrative and budgetary reform, and insists on further advancement of the status of women in the working world.
"Maybe he can go beyond Mayor Giuliani, who I don't think had as strong a record on budgetary reform and radical tax cutting that the city needs.
Rep. Paul Ryan (R) has proposed the Roadmap for America's Future, which is a series of budgetary reforms.