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These are not European own resources, but instead form part of national budgetary expenditure.
There was no great difference of opinion on budgetary expenditure.
They add to the cumbersome bureaucracy and budgetary expenditure yet achieve very little.
(B) An explanation of budgetary expenditures and proposed budget for the fiscal year.
The 43 million potential beneficiaries of this programme require that we make a huge effort and do not avoid budgetary expenditure under any circumstances.
This is a grey area outside the scope of the control to which budgetary expenditure is subject.
Europe manages 2.5% or one-fortieth of total budgetary expenditure in Europe.
It is very clear, however, that this simplification must not result in an increase in budgetary expenditure.
It issues the currency, controls circulation, and plays an important role in disbursing budgetary expenditures.
The challenge is not only a political one, but also a financial one: recognition of an integrated Community urban policy will mean significant budgetary expenditure.
Definition of the government programmes or budgetary expenditures and the corresponding database of monetary values.
It has taken the Commission some time to understand that over-estimating budgetary expenditure in the field of agriculture is counter-productive.
In the years 1977 - 83 the ratio of the increase in the money supply to consolidated government budgetary expenditure was about 15 per cent.
I might add that the budgetary expenditure for these areas is minimal in comparison with the structural resources for enlargement.
In Romania, the annual expenditure on pensions is the largest category of budgetary expenditure.
Those obligations include an annual limit on subsidized exports, which applies not only to quantities but also to the necessary budgetary expenditure.
It seems curious to me to propose another agency, more machinery, and more budgetary expenditure to duplicate work that is already taking place.
We disapprove of further budgetary expenditure within the EU and have chosen to vote against this report in its entirety.
Firstly, reference has been made very frequently in this Chamber to stimulation of the economy by means of additional budgetary expenditure.
It means, of course, that in terms of budgetary expenditure, we need to have more peer review, more ex ante control.
The former was the secretariat for the Treasury Board, the committee of cabinet in charge of allocating budgetary expenditures.
In terms of budgetary expenditure, the EC is an organisation which is principally devoted to agricultural protectionism.
We believe that the more detailed budgetary expenditure is, the simpler it will be for the competent budgetary authority to monitor its implementation.
We have made quite unequivocal gestures as far as one of the largest items of budgetary expenditure is concerned, namely agricultural policy.
As a result, participation in the program actually increased, and while the Government still pays out commodities instead of cash the outlays count as budgetary expenditures.