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But perhaps he would care no more than his budder.
Of course, like everyone else, he would have hoped to love his budder.
And I can't even pity my budder for losing all her offspring.
"Are you also the budder of the water tunnel?"
Or were you just told it by your budder or someone?"
All his life he had found it impossible to get his budder to take him seriously.
After the war, she became an active voice budder, dubbing foreign films in German.
That insult from his budder had been like dawn breaking inside his mind.
In captivity, the tree-kangaroos can get budder at any time of the year and are known to breed well.
Instead of just comforting me, my budder made me turn even that silly trick to account.
There was no case on record of a budling fighting his budder, but after that--!
You will also see William Budder here.
"I suppose: not to contradict my budder..." Chybee gathered her forces with an effort.
Even though life at sea was preferable, life anywhere in company with so foul-tempered a budder... "Do you spend most of your time on land?"
Had she really gambled the whole of her future life on this one trip to Slah, which her budder had forbidden?
When he begged to be made my apprentice, and ran away as soon as he knew his budder was dead and couldn't plague him anymore?
Taking on someone from so utterly different a background, and with such an awful budder to hint at how he might turn out in the long term... Had it been wise?
True, she had chided her budder again and again for continuing to treat her like a budling when she believed she was grown-up enough to think for herself.
Danna Lyons of Hoboken, N.J., decided to follow Mr. Suisman's advice and bring Budder, a year-old mutt.
He taught that no "proper" relationship, with one's community, even with one's budder or budlings-let alone the commensality of all living things-could be established without prior comprehension of oneself.
"How would your followers react to the news that you who preach the need for perfect relationships rejoiced at your budder's death, or to being told how you broke your apprentice's pledge?
Tagging along behind Trilling, Awb managed to steal in and join the company, hoping desperately as he nibbled a bit here and a bit there that his budder would not get to hear.
The percentage of "take" of the buds depends on the natural compatibility of the stock and scion, the sharpness of the knife, and the skill of the budder; even the experts will have some buds die.
He was always embarrassed when someone mentioned his budder, who flaunted her five bud-scars in a manner most people regarded as indecent and seemed to think that because Axwep only had four she had the better claim to be Voosla's mayor.
There was no case on record of a budling fighting his budder, but after that-I Except, amazingly- (As the pheromones mingled in the taut still air with what the rotting plants exuded, but far fiercer ...) Clackonclackonclackonclack: and abruptly climaxing- "SHUT UP!"