Newark, already reeling from industrial job losses, made a desperate offer to compete with the bucolic Morris County, New Jersey suburb.
The Industrial Revolution forced people to move to the cities, but when the cities became overcrowded and expensive, families moved to bucolic suburbs.
Unlike Beethoven, who would have at least three dozen different addresses during his 36 years in Vienna, Mozart did not particularly care for the capital's bucolic suburbs.
A lifelong Manhattanite, John thought his ramshackle home in a bucolic northern suburb was Walden itself.
Oleg Vinogradov looked like a country squire as he sat and talked on the sunny patio of his handsome home in this bucolic suburb of Washington.
Ministers who lived in London had no difficulty in getting to these entertainments, and yet the contrast between the bucolic suburb and the hot, noisy city could not have been greater.
Suburban teen-agers face a greater risk of dying in a car accident, a kind of carnage rarely considered when the bucolic suburbs beckon.
The program, set in a high school in a bucolic suburb 30 miles west of Chicago, tries to capture the emotional highs and lows of senior year.
It dawned on me that I could use the parameters of the game to recreate a chunk of Plano, Tex., the bucolic suburb where I grew up.
We are sitting on the bleachers at the edge of the P.E. field at Weston Middle School, a bucolic suburb that's a good 50 miles from April Welch's math classroom.