He was seriously wounded in the Battle of Freiberg, where his gallantry brought him wide public notice.
The case brought much notice: the victim was black, a senior citizen, and mentally ill.
A criminal case tried in 1826 brought Briggs wider notice.
His paintings at the 1884 exhibition brought favorable notice from The New York Times.
I was told to bring notice of this stranger.
Increasing interest in émigré artists brought his work new critical notice in Austria and the States.
The first movie he directed for Corman, "Dementia 13," brought him critical notice in 1962.
The course received a great deal of attention for helping to bring the romance novel academic notice.
Thou wilt find him, as our scouts have brought notice, at the next Preceptory house of his Order.
The gruesome way the kittens died may have brought them as much notice as anything else.