Vines trembled, bright droplets of sap--saliva oozing from their surfaces.
Blood was oozing between the planks to form bright droplets which coalesced, quivered, then splashed down to the floor beneath.
There was blood on it, a trail of bright droplets running from the open door to the closed one.
He was bleeding from the nose as well now, bright droplets that became a little stream and then a steady flow.
Vines trembled, bright droplets of sap-saliva oozing from their surfaces.
It whizzed past Fortunata and buried itself in an ash trunk, quivering with bright droplets of water shaking from it.
Warm blood ran down his arm, bright droplets spattering the rock be- neath his feet.
Inside that spot, I saw two small puncture marks, bright red droplets of blood oozing from each hole.
Now it streaked up one vertical surface, into broad swipes and smears, into arcs of bright droplets.
He took a deep drink, throwing his head back as the bright droplets sparkled *i, from his fine dark plumage.