The bright bloom of a starboard-side explosion gave testimony to the attacker's accuracy.
"I don't understand," she said finally, looking away from him, though not before he saw the bright bloom of color in her cheeks.
We stared in wonder at the bright blooms.
Scientific study might reveal that the pollen-hungry bees go for the bright yellow blooms.
The meadow grasses and flowers had taken over; the ground was carpeted in a shifting sea of small bright blooms.
Gardens of great bright blooms like I never saw, not even on Malili.
They were all in flower, bright pink blooms the size of a child's fist.
Make the most of their bright blooms by carefully laying out your garden.
Cheer up a gloomy garden with tub, sink or bowl of brilliant bright blooms.
It is an annual flower with bright yellow tube-shaped blooms.