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Caveat briber; one of many life lessons that had to be learned the hard way.
Because if the briber feels free to rat out the bureaucrat, bribery goes down.
But this is quite consistent with the rest: the briber and his agents were punished, not the bribed.
The offence under Section 6 only applies to the briber, and not to the official who receives or agrees to receive such a bribe.
This absurd proposal was not carried; but it shows clearly enough that the principle was to punish the briber only.
A briber of judges and politicians.
Manoj Prabhakar refused to name the attempted briber in spite of assurances from the judge himself.
But the beauty part, Cinquanta added, was that the briber could not be sure if the bribee's vote would be selected by the computer.
A liar, a briber, a shameless crook.
Perhaps we can gain more facts pertaining to the true identity of this briber who called himself Reginald Satterly.
"Then he's not a self-made hard-drinking manipulator of railroads and briber of congressmen?"
According to the memorandum, one briber was told by the Mayor that he "should tell Federal investigators that he lost those bonds."
His service done At Lacedaemon and Byzantium Were a sufficient briber for his life.
Baby briber turns Healey's dream on its head Simon Hoggart: Politicians traditionally kiss babies and bribe the electorate.
Far and wide he was called a thief, a briber, a promoter of steamship subsidies, railway swindles, robberies of the government in all possible forms and fashions.
One sends a letter to his/her representative addressing a problem/grievance the other sends professional briber "Lobbyist" to "work out the problem" one on one with the representative.
The indictment alleges that Loza accepted two payments and promised to promote the legislation and policies concerning D.C. taxi cabs that the alleged briber wanted.
Dave was the majority partner, focusing on Research & Development, with Gary Briber the minority partner focusing on Sales & Marketing.
Likewise, the briber might hold a powerful role and control the transaction; or in other cases, a bribe may be effectively extracted from the person paying it, although this is better known as extortion.
In 1987, Gary Briber sold his portion of the company, with Marketing and Sales responsibilities falling upon Paul J. de Benedictis and Keith Borman, respectively.
Like so many great American fortunes, the Rosewater pile was accumulated in the beginning by a humorless, constipated Christian farm boy turned speculator and briber during and after the Civil War.
"Could he be all of them: Rine the runner and Rine the gambler and Rine the briber and Rine the lover and Rinehart the Reverend?
So while a company that bribes customers is typically hurt by the fact that money that could have gone toward profitable investments instead goes toward bribes, in the case of spinning, both briber and bribee win.
(Mr. Dowd, first a reluctant briber and then the key whistle blower in the Parking Violations Bureau scandal, said he was handling Ms. Straw's defense because "you win a case like this and you couldn't feel better if somebody stuck $10 million in your pocket.")
The Colombo crime family, the mobster Anthony (Fat Tony) Salerno, the briber and former Bronx Democratic leader Stanley M. Friedman, the stock manipulator Ivan F. Boesky: the convictions by Mr. Giuliani's office seemed to connect the dots through the money-mad 1980's.