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For healthy breastfed infants, the AI is the mean intake.
Selenium supply and glutathione peroxidase activity in breastfed Polish infants.
Breastfed children sometimes show extrapyramidal symptoms.
The WHO standards establish growth of the breastfed infant as the norm for growth.
Materials, which cause concern for the health of breastfed children, have a separate category, Effects on or Via Lactation.
This is because formula-fed babies don't get the same protection from infection as breastfed babies, and milk can be a breeding ground for bacteria.
The WHO charts were based on the premise that the healthy breastfed infant is the standard against which all other infants should be compared.
Dr. Koren described a breastfed infant who died from opioid toxicity following the use of codeine by his mother.
If the mother consumes too much caffeine, it can cause irritability, sleeplessness, nervousness and increased feeding in the breastfed infant.
In addition, the U.S. has large numbers of formula-fed infants (and thus lower numbers of breastfed children).
Some reflexes hold a survival value, (i.e. the rooting reflex, which helps a breastfed infant find the mother's nipple).
He also noted that the incidence of malnourishment in breastfed Indonesian children is 3-5% less common than generally encountered in early-weened children.
Breastfed children in developing countries are a minimum of 6 times more likely to survive in the early months of life than children who are not breastfed.
If the coloration persists or worsens during the first one to two weeks, especially in breastfed infants after their mother's milk has come in, they must be examined by a pediatrician to determine treatment.
The significantly lower incidence of illness in the breastfed infant also allows the parents more time for attention to siblings and other family duties and reduces parental absence from work and lost income.
For example in Canada, marketed infant formulas are fortified with vitamin D, but Health Canada also recommends breastfed infants receive extra vitamin D in the form of a supplement.
The report also suggested that children with the proper development of a well rounded, "U-shaped" dental arch, which is found more commonly in breastfed children, may have fewer problems with snoring and sleep apnea in later life.
Apart from breastfed infants, the human consumption of dairy products is sourced primarily from the milk of cows, yet goats, sheep, yaks, camels, and other mammals are other sources of dairy products consumed by humans.
In the 1920s and 1930s, evaporated milk began to be widely commercially available at low prices, and several clinical studies from that time period suggested that babies fed evaporated milk formula thrive as well as breastfed babies.
The panel also recognized that AAP has stated the breastfed infant "is the reference or normative model against which all alternative feeding methods must be measured with regard to growth, health, development, and all other short- and long-term outcomes" (24).
Clinicians should be aware that fewer U.S. children will be identified as underweight using the WHO charts, slower growth among breastfed infants during ages 3--18 months is normal, and gaining weight more rapidly than is indicated on the WHO charts might signal early signs of overweight.
Dr. Laurence Grummer-Strawn, widely known in the breastfeeding research and advocacy communities, observed that breastfeeding is protective against diarrheal diseases and other infections and that breastfed children aged 12 to 36 months in Indonesia have much greater mid-arm circumference than children who have been weaned at an early age.
In the WHO charts, the healthy breastfed infant is intended to be the standard against which all other infants are compared; 100% of the reference population of infants were breastfed for 12 months and were predominantly breastfed for at least 4 months.