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It is not clear where the word "dengue" came from.
Several things are thought to be causing the increase in dengue.
The problem is greater when there are cases of epidemic dengue.
This may help them create medications that work well for dengue.
Scientists keep doing research on ways to prevent and treat dengue.
And at times he felt some residual fatigue from the dengue.
China, for example, was free of dengue for more than 35 years until 1978.
There are no vaccinations against dengue, although one is on trial.
The incidence of dengue increased 30 fold between 1960 and 2010.
Dengue was first identified more than 300 years ago.
Dengue is thought to be the second most important tropical disease, behind malaria.
Dengue is becoming much more common around the world.
In these countries, between 1.6 and 6 blood transfusions out of every 10,000 spread dengue.
Dengue is usually not spread in any other ways.
If a person has had another type of dengue before ("secondary infection"), they are more likely to have these serious problems.
Different types of dengue also spread to new areas.
Dengue is endemic to the country, and there are cases of malaria.
But I still have to wonder: Was that my first case of dengue?
Every once in a while, dengue can affect other systems in the body.
Babies and young children with dengue are more likely than adults to become seriously ill.
There have been several thousand cases this year of mosquito-transmitted dengue.
During 2010, there were over 115,000 reported cases of dengue and 141 reported deaths.
Global incidence of dengue has grown dramatically in recent decades.
In only 7 weeks, in Brazil some 204,640 cases of dengue were reported.
Four basic strains of so-called classic dengue have been identified.
There have been cases of dengue fever in recent months.
The term dengue fever came into general use only after 1828.
In 2005, there were a total of 13,984 dengue fever cases and 19 people died.
Health experts have known about dengue fever for more than 200 years.
However, children are more likely to have severe problems from dengue fever.
There are a few things that can be done to prevent people from getting dengue fever.
The first descriptions of dengue fever were written in 1779.
A higher number of spots means that the person is more likely to have dengue fever.
"Looks like dengue fever," the doctor said after ten minutes.
The term "dengue fever" was not commonly used until after 1828.
According to the Cuban government, she had suffered from dengue fever.
Since the 1960s, many more people have been getting dengue fever.
A number died in a recent outbreak of dengue fever, the villagers said.
About 100 million people contract dengue fever every year.
In a few people, dengue fever can turn into one of two forms that are life-threatening.
Every year, around 50-100 million people get dengue fever.
Dengue fever is common across the Caribbean and can occur throughout the year.
Since the beginning of 2011, 1,100 dengue fever cases, including three deaths have been reported in Vietnam.
Prior to Erica, there were already 437 cases of dengue fever in 2003 alone.
At least 3613 confirmed cases of dengue fever were reported and over 50 people died in the outbreak.
Each year, an estimated 100 million cases of dengue fever occur worldwide.
Dengue fever, tuberculosis and malaria are present in certain parts of the country.
Dengue fever becomes the second disease shown to be caused by a virus.
Significant outbreaks of dengue fever tend to occur every five or six months.
Cuba suffers a major outbreak of Dengue fever, with 344,203 cases.
Not for nothing is dengue also known as breakbone fever.
She had been widowed by the breakbone fever last fall and moved back home in the spring.
The mosquito is known to carry and spread dengue, or breakbone fever, viruses in Asia.
The alternative name for dengue, "breakbone fever", comes from the associated muscle and joint pains.
It's terrible to watch, breakbone fever.
In 2010, 66 people there were infected with dengue, known as breakbone fever for the excruciating joint pain it causes.
The fever is also known as "breakbone fever" because of the brutal muscle and joint pains.
The malady is also known as breakbone fever because of the excruciating pain in the joints and muscles that often accompanies it.
"She had breakbone fever."
Symptoms include high fever, severe headache and body ache (dengue was previously known as 'breakbone fever').
Although the classic illness is a fairly benign acute febrile syndrome, it may be very painful-hence the English nickname, breakbone fever.
In 1789, Rush used the name "breakbone fever" in a report about the 1780 dengue outbreak in Philadelphia.
Malaria, elephantiasis, and the breakbone fever came north to Greenland; rabies returned to England after an absence of three hundred years.
Dengue has a sudden onset, with high fever, a rash, severe headache, muscle and joint pain - hence "breakbone fever."
Also called "breakbone fever" due to the muscle and bone pain it causes, dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral illness.
The name "breakbone fever" was first used by Benjamin Rush, a doctor and United States "Founding Father".
Dengue fever, also known as breakbone fever, is a viral disease characterized by severe headache, skin rash and debilitating muscle and joint pain.
The term "breakbone fever" was applied by physician and United States Founding Father Benjamin Rush, in a 1789 report of the 1780 epidemic in Philadelphia.
The symptoms of dengue fever are a sudden high fever, a severe headache, vomiting, a rash and pain in the joints and bones so severe that the illness is also known as breakbone fever.
Surrounded by a gaggle of nurses ready to care for my every complaint at any time of day, the doctor informed me, "We're pretty sure you have dengue fever," referring to a dangerous tropical disease also known as breakbone fever.
"Don't tell me you've been infected by these ridiculous rumors that are flying about, James-that it's cholera, that it's breakbone fever, that it's a recurrence of the Pandemic-" "No," Dunworthy said.
There are no vaccinations or pills that prevent these three: schistosomiasis, a parasite disease also known as bilharzia, or snail fever; giardiasis, frequently called giardia, for the parasite that causes it, and dengue, or breakbone fever.
In the South, it has transmitted dengue, also called breakbone fever because it makes people feel as if their bones are breaking, and perhaps Eastern equine encephalitis, which has a fatality rate of 50 to 80 percent and leaves half its survivors with brain damage.
Breakbone Fever Dandy Fever Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Dengue Shock Syndrome Duengero Seven Day Fever, Dengue Type None Dengue Fever is an acute viral infection characterized by fever.
In October, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that Tamaulipas, a state in Mexico bordering South Texas, had notified the Texas Department of Health a year earlier of a continuing outbreak of dengue, also called breakbone fever because of its pain.
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