Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Her hand was moving at breakneck speed, and then it happened.
"Born to Run" near the end of the show was also done at breakneck speed.
That process, though, takes nearly a minute even at breakneck speed, he said.
You can see that things in this field are developing at breakneck speed.
Looking around I saw on the north side of the coming party two other men, riding at breakneck speed.
A car driving at breakneck speed nearly hit the little dog.
The two set off from Boston and crossed the country at breakneck speed.
For the past several decades, Asia has developed at breakneck speed.
Without waiting for his father's questions he ran across the road and began to walk at breakneck speed down the hill.
"The land is just being bought up at breakneck speed.
And stopped him, all two hundred plus pounds at breakneck speed.
An officer came up the steps of the pyramid at breakneck speed.
To break heads or ride a horse at breakneck speed.
He is a chameleon who changes his voice at breakneck speed.
He was on top of his girl, humping away at breakneck speed.
Much of his work is done at breakneck speed.
And he has been doing so at breakneck speed.
The driver and I didn't understand each other, yet we still went at breakneck speed.
The one in which he rushed through the highlights of every subject at breakneck speed?
The rest of the meeting went at breakneck speed.
The nation is marching to war at such breakneck speed, it will be two years from 9/11 before we finally attack Iraq.
She needed no further encouragement and set off down the slope at breakneck speed.
Schools are signing onto the Internet at breakneck speed compared to the general public.
After half an hour the car slowed from its breakneck speed and turned sharply to the left.
She watched him whip his horse and drive away at breakneck speed.