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Why, she wondered, bottled gas in the middle of the woods?
Tank and bottled gas are also available through several local suppliers.
The house was damaged in the explosion, which is believed to have involved bottled gas apparatus.
Water was boiling merrily away on the bottled gas stove.
Bottled gas may be used to heat water, fuel ranges, and run refrigerators.
Helium is relatively expensive, and must be supplied as bottled gas.
"Bottled gas" is sometimes used in medical supply, especially for portable oxygen tanks.
A Bottled gas is a convenient, portable and safe way to heat a conservatory.
Prior to the introduction of bottled gas, the fire to heat the wash was provided by turf.
The others use bottled gas, wood or coal.
When provided in the form of bottled gas, this can present an increased risk of fire and is subject to restrictions.
The Nines scale is also sometimes used in describing the purity of bottled gases.
The Amish use bottled gas, batteries and windmills to avoid connection to the outside world.
There is one old domestic stove, powered by bottled gas, and one sink.
The government subsequently announced, on Sept. 18, a 20 per cent reduction in the price of bottled gas, used by most households.
Most run on bottled gas (refillable cylinders) but some use petrol.
And some bridges and tunnels deny access to vehicles carrying bottled gas.
There are numerous bottled gas containers on the site an a number of tanks holding various products including bitumen.
They are sold as bottled gas or in bulk under the Vitogaz brand.
Campers usually cook over small bottled gas stoves and shop each day for perishable goods.
The home of Kent's own independent bottled gas company, Novagas.
He produced and sold bottled gas, which was used for lighting pubs and workshops.
We had to buy 2 bottled gas heaters to keep warm, and an electric tea-urn to heat water to bath the kids!
Rather it is caused by leaks from millions of steel tanks containing bottled gas used for cooking and heating.
Do not keep flammable substances, such as bottled gas or paraffin, in a greenhouse, where they are likely to become overheated.