Happy is the man who knows the great works of the Divine power.
If you're open to the divine power, even just a little bit.
Finally he came to know that there was presence of divine power.
That is to say, an agent of some divine power.
He does this by using a series of divine powers.
A child with divine power was born through this holy union.
Through his divine power he came to understand that goddess was present there.
But to the father who had little sense of his divine power, he replied, 'If it is possible!.
He reasons that the lion must have some sort of divine power.
Why did man imagine the divine powers as gods with a human figure?
After all, wasn't his new power nothing if not godlike?
But they did not know how to handle such godlike power.
Unfortunately, all that godlike power is usually used in private.
Do we have the right to assume such godlike powers?
With such godlike powers, the only enemies they have to fear, of course, are themselves.
With that kind of godlike navigating power, the thinking went, the 747 never would have lost its way.
This sort of Godlike power was destructive to one's soul.
He had the godlike power of life and death.
It had been hard at first to imagine that there were any negative aspects to godlike power.
If he possessed godlike power, no one would ever regard him without wonder and fear.