The booklet stated that additional Yahtzees must be used as Jokers in the Lower Section and does not allow for their use in the Upper Section.
The 1920s (subsequently much reprinted) booklet The Life and Prophecies of Ursula Sontheil better known as Mother Shipton stated the date as 1991.
The booklet also state that her father was a millionaire.
"Our employees are our most important resource," states a booklet called "Texaco's Vision and Values."
The booklet states that each apartment has either a washing machine or a microwave.
The booklet states that coaches with tremendous power and influence over student-athletes should help manage the triad.
The booklet states the group will "begin a challenging ideological battle to defend the values of a society based on ethics."
Never mind, the booklet describing V.A.T. shopping stated that a U.S. Customs stamp was equally acceptable.
Although sometimes misrepresented as evidence these groups recognize MCS as a specific disease, the booklet states a pathogenesis of MCS has not been definitively proven.
In particular, each moment of the Fourth Sonata, on the second disc, is given a separate track, whereas the booklet states that the fourth and fifth movements are run together.