Problems with the Niclausse boilers installed on Freya prompted the Navy to standardize boiler types in future warships.
Among these were long boiler types for Jones and Potts and three for T.R.Crampton.
The boiler type was type 2.
The existing emission rate limitations for individual boilers, which are based on boiler type, are not changed.
In the 1930s many serving locomotives were reboilered with a standard boiler type designed by then CME A.G. Watson as part of his standardisation policy.
The originals had been 0-4-0s with intermediate axles, and the reconstructions were unique among GWR 0-6-0 tender engines in having inside frames and being of the long boiler type.
The requirements also vary depending on the characteristics of the generating facility, including its boiler type, size, age and location.
They had the same boiler type as the 721 "Dunalastair" Class 4-4-0s.
In the 1930s Watson designed a standard boiler type as part of his standardisation policy.
During the 1930s Day's predecessor as CME, A.G. Watson, designed a standard boiler type as part of his standardisation policy.