Mr. Thompson's resignation, which will take effect April 1, has accelerated the behind-the-scenes jockeying for a successor to the board presidency.
They say they will press for a return to the days when the board presidency was rotated year to year.
He noted that in any event, board bylaws call for new elections for the board presidency in July.
Governor Ted Kulongoski took the unusual step of assuming the board presidency following Goldschmidt's resignation.
When one of the board members, Ai Nagai, tried to question the decision, her questions were ignored by the board presidency.
Even if the Mayor decided to push for a change in the board presidency, though, he could not act alone.
But one colleague on the board who requested anonymity said she still planned to fight for the board presidency.
Said to be bitter that Dinkins blocked her from winning the board presidency in July 1991.
Traditionally, the board presidency has been a part-time job.
He expects to leave the company, becoming a part-time consultant, if elected to the board presidency, a virtually full-time position that pays $20,000 a year.