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"Sounds to me like the blue plate special," he says.
Here he simply serves banality as a blue plate special (no choice, and nothing on the side).
The menu began as a blue plate special, but over the years has been changed to focus on hotdogs and hamburgers.
Released in 1996, it was the first single from their album Blue Plate Special.
Their fifth album, Blue Plate Special, was released in 1996.
There is of course (at least one) blues band named Blue Plate Special.
The veal shank, a blue plate special for Thursday, fell to pieces at the touch of a fork.
Blue Plate Special "a square for two bits"
If your favorite diner's blue plate special is ever sauteed polar bear liver, you may want to stick with salad.
As she put it, "If you vote for my husband, you get me; it's a two-for-one, blue plate special."
Grab a yummy sandwich or daily blue plate specials at Tari's.
The Blue Plate Special rolled uneasily in my stomach.
The blue plate special.
Blue Plate Special (1983), for tuba alone (with aux.
The blue plate special at $10.95 represents real value; it features a different daily entree, a small green salad, choice of potato and warm bread.
The reduced price was known as the "blue plate special," and to some in the department as the "Lou Goldberg special."
"We haven't had this kind of volume since the summer we offered free blue plate specials every time the thermometer topped a hundred degrees."
Blue Plate Special is a jazz studio album by Will Bernard recorded and released in 2008.
Blue Plate Special may refer to:
Blue Plate Special, anyone?
"Hi, I'm the blue plate special.
Miranda swiveled her head around to look out the big window, which was partly painted over with colorful Coke ads and descriptions of blue plate specials.
Today at 7 p.m. Blue Plate Special.
Blue Plate Special is the fifth studio album by Canadian country music group Prairie Oyster.
The Last Blue Plate Special (2001)