Individual blooms opened along the spikes from the bottoms upward.
It makes a beautiful 6ft (T.8m) shrub, but it does need dry sunny weather to get the blooms to open.
I was just thinking how if the blooms opened up right now, this couldn't be a more perfect day.
The boat nudges through colonies of giant lilies, and Diane points out the ragged white flowers - fresh blooms with their burnt toffee smell will open at dusk.
The roses were indeed perfect, pale pink and white blooms about half opened.
The spring flowers were gone, but the blooms of summer were just opening and everywhere one looked the eye was filled with color.
She would face the last agonies of death when the bloom of her youthful strength and beauty was but opening as a rose in June.
Refreshed, the three walked to the southern fringe as the blooms opened.
The bloom opened with a snap to reveal a nest of sharp spines at the center.
Fields below were bathed in glorious colours as blooms opened to the golden light.