"I am Timmy," reaffirmed the bloated creature.
The bloated creature barely resembled a rat.
The bloated creature moved in the corner of his eye, and the exhausted yeoman shuffled left, keeping the pole between the two.
Perhaps it was merely his looks, for Valentine found Hjorts unattractive, coarse and bloated creatures.
The bloated creature made a few stirring motions, then stopped, and withdrew the paddle.
Unlike the bloated creatures he had shaped back in Ashwell these were streamlined aquatics, with webbed feet and a long sinuous tail.
Hobarth saw several of the bloated creatures fall before the attack, though the others pressed mindlessly on.
It was then the huge, bloated creatures shuffled forward into the light.
The bloated, evil creature moved meditatively about the shining sheet of silk it had cast over Burl and the giant tarantula.
"Some bloated creature has been created from rock-and-roll," Mr. Schrader says.