A blindingly brilliant white flash filled the screen, and a chill shook Daket's body.
The leading aircraft descended to 10,000 meters and hung in the air above the blindingly brilliant cluster of peaks.
The power of the atom was a dim light when compared to the blindingly brilliant power of the mind.
The incandescent glow rose to the Vorquelves' knees, then flashed up and out, blindingly brilliant.
Samiel, forgotten in my hand, flashed blindingly brilliant.
The main lights came on, blindingly brilliant after the crimson gloom.
The celestial pyrotechnics raged on, utterly silent and blindingly brilliant.
Light blindingly brilliant while flare burned, which seemed far longer than one minute.
A blindingly brilliant light stabbed down from the room's ceiling, and suddenly two furry creatures stood shoulder-to-shoulder before us.
Framed within that was a third, blindingly brilliant halo.