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His blimpish views, so often parodied in the letters, were also true to life.
Squire is now considered to be on the "blimpish" wing of the reaction to modernist work.
'I'm afraid we've gone a bit too soft,' she says with almost Blimpish fervour.
In the beginning, Fitz was merely what might be termed hefty; he has now reached frightfully blimpish proportions.
He played one Blimpish cameo in a short-lived play in Birmingham and a couple of small parts in television plays.
The main source of the fun of these one-page stories was the combination of Blink's bluff, no-nonsense blimpish ways and his disastrous short-sightedness.
It summons up a blimpish, condescending, epic-heroic, white-man's-burden patriotism: not only jingoism but jingleism too.
She was driven from her country in nineteen thirty-nine, and hates the Russians more than the most blimpish Colonel Blimp in the country.
It was easy to depict him in blimpish red-face, staring apoplectically and uncomprehendingly out of the Garrick Club bar at the fools in the street below.
The Bank admonishes the blimpish directors of British companies, 75 per cent of whom, in a recent survey, said that the pay settlements they had conceded were not too high.
It suits the Left to caricature the majority response at the time as Blimpish outrage so that it can redirect the argument back on to its own, threadbare turf.
She has always striven to honor quality over shmaltz, although she has also found success with several blimpish tear-jerkers, including the Grammy-winning "How Do I Live."
Or is he like the blimpish critics who queued up to ridicule the great painter JMW Turner, after whom the prize is named, and will one day regret his rush of blood?
A small, blimpish squid, stuffed with tender bits of shrimp and fennel puree, is a brilliant orchestration of delicate flavors and textures, with an exclamation point provided by a tart blood-orange emulsion.
As The imam finally caves in as his blimpish child Moosa, "sorry Moosa" the maulvi says in slow motion to the death scene, his eyes burning with the fire of vengeance.
The fourth, and most moving story, "The Colonel's Lady," tells of a woman who shocks her Blimpish husband when she comes out of the poet's closet to win acclaim as a writer of slightly erotic verse.
Complicating matters further, there is the blimpish British journalist Alistair Tudsbury (Robert Morley) and his beautiful daughter Pamela (Victoria Tennant) who, bringing the plot machinations full circle, has fallen in love with the steadfast Pug.
We have moved away from such remedies as being too brutal for a humane society and nowadays those who advocate them are seen as blimpish relics of an imperialist, authoritarian society which favoured cold baths and weals on the buttocks as character forming.
Indeed, his acting successes ranged from Sheridan to Wilde, Ibsen to Shaffer, Noel Coward to Edward Albee, Edward Bond and Alan Bennett, for whom he memorably played a hilariously blimpish headmaster in "Forty Years On."
Tharoor fails to add anything much to what we already knew about Nehru and his times: the Amritsar massacre of 1919, Gandhi's march to the salt marshes of Gujarat, Mohammed Ali Jinnah's quarrels with the Congress Party, Winston Churchill's blimpish imperialism.
Not that they were attracted to his body-it was a wreck, a blimpish shamble of wrinkles, almost toneless muscles, a wilderness of wattles and fissures, a great, white dead thing-nor even his power (for they could not partake of that) nor his mind (they never talked about anything).
And then I crumpled the letter up because I realized I was in serious danger of turning into one of the Colonel Blimp types who sat around me in considerable numbers, eating cornflakes or porridge with their blimpish wives, and without whom hotels like the Old England would not be able to survive.