Bled white by two world wars, Britain gradually abandoned its imperial role.
"Does he bleed white as a mutie or red as the roses?"
The land and our armies are bled white by sixty years of warfare.
All France, bled nearly white in two-and-a-half years of war, is praying that the day may come soon.
Although the business is being bled white by its debts, the shops themselves still have the potential to thrive.
For a moment the world bled white in front of them.
It had bled white, leaving the skin with the translucence of old china.
Its battalions had been 'bled white' and were sometimes down to platoon strength.
Thus, the limited number of off-planet forces had been bled white before the first capital ship was completed.
Every one of these units was bled white over the last four days, only scraps were left of them.