Way before the refugees from Minneapolis found its bleak shores.
Due south the red waste stretched on and on, he reported, until it ended on a bleak shore beside the poison water.
How would you like to spend your life on that bleak shore, surrounded by slatterns and sheep pellets?
The bleak shores of the lake remain uninhabited.
Its hatred was as timeless and relentless as the pounding surf along a cold, bleak shore.
More often than not, she wanted a young man that could take her away from these bleak and storm-racked shores into the city, where things were happening.
They sped along the shore, great black houses, bleak and uninhabited, at their left.
The time was middle afternoon; the pilgrims walked down to the bleak shore to take stock of the situation.
Toward evening we came upon a gray glassy lake, bounded by gray bleak shores a little higher than the marshes.
On the bleak shore now lies th' abandon'd king, A headless carcass, and a nameless thing.