"All right," he said finally, looking back at I Ye, his voice a bitter whisper.
I hope you're coming," he said in a bitter whisper meant only for Lasher, his secret and old friend.
It was a snarling, harsh, bitter whisper in Donal's ear.
He turned his back, and his voice was a bitter whisper: "And you with a 47, Ma.
Heads shook, and bitter whispers passed.
I said in a bitter, harsh whisper.
And do you know why"her voice lowered to a bitter whisper"the watch-wher did not alarm the Hold?
"It seems I'll be doing that the rest of my life," Shandril said in a bitter whisper.
His voice dropped to a bitter whisper.
Harry said in a bitter whisper through his clenched teeth, addressing Joan as though the man between them had been deaf or dead.