The American Indians taught the Pilgrims to make a cranberry sauce called "ibimi," which means "bitter berry."
Canadian buffaloberry (Shepherdia canadensis), a shrub that produces bitter red berries sometimes used to make "Indian icecream"
He hit several clusters of bitter berries, missing only one target out of six.
The Indians taught the colonists to prize ibimi, the bitter berry, for its brilliant color and its ability to stay fresh for months.
The bitter berries are not eaten directly but rather processed as sxusem ("sxushem", also xoosum/"hooshum") or "Indian ice-cream".
Why should we eat bitter berries when there are plenty sweet ones to be had?
Erasmus was more interested in the bitter berry tart in front of him.
This shrub bears bitter yet edible red berries.
And there is the additional betrayal of coming upon a bitter berry, plucked from the same bough as a half-dozen others bursting with sweet perfume.
The fruit is a round dry berry about 6 mm in diameter, green at first, black when ripe, edible but bitter and tough.