Probably only two cardinal bishops, four cardinal priests and four cardinal deacons participated in the election.
Ninety-three western bishops participated, including Anthony, Patriarch of Grado and John, Archbishop of Ravenna.
The "Book of Epistles" mentions that 20 bishops, 14 laymen, and many nakharars (rulers of Armenia) participated in the council.
Two cardinals and eight bishops participated in parts or all of the two week meeting, as well as many priests, religious and seminarians from around the world.
The bishop of Geneva, no longer residing within that city, participated in plans to overthrow its independence.
Constantine had invited all 1800 bishops of the Christian church (about 1000 in the east and 800 in the west), but only 250 to 320 bishops actually participated.
The bishops from the islands rarely participated in the Norwegian riksråd.
It is known for certain that a bishop from Nablus participated in the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE.
Twenty-five diocesan bishops or their representatives, and selected theological advisers, participated.
By the fourth Lateran Council of 1215, metropolitans, bishops, mitred abbots, provosts of cathedral chapters, and even university masters of theology and law participated.