After all, who would have thought the bishops would approve the appointment of a known Deryni to their ranks?
After three weeks of meetings, more than 250 bishops from around the world approved 50 propositions that will be passed on to the pope.
"They would definitely see me, however, and neither general nor bishop would approve of my taking a wagon into demon territory."
The bishops approved the 15,000-word statement on children during the closing session Thursday of what had been a rather lethargic four-day meeting.
The bishops also approved a statement on the environment, their first step into an area where other religious groups have been active.
The American bishops, more than 200 strong, also approved a statement repeating their opposition to abortion and euthanasia.
Nevertheless, the bishop does officially approve and appoint deacons to their selected ministry.
The bishops approved a second document of "norms" that will be submitted to the Vatican for approval.
The local bishop approved the plans with little hesitation, as they meant an end to her troublesome active ministry.
The bishops approved the members and paid for their meetings around the country.