The last time Simon had heard the word had been in a biology lecture and was linked to the word 'interruptus'.
In some other context I might have found this engrossing, but here it's like, "Dude, you got your marine biology lecture in my adventure story!"
Doctor Dillamond interrupted his biology lecture to call for a response from his students.
I walked away from the biology lecture wondering not only why, when I looked at colleges in the 1980's, I hadn't considered a women's college, but also why I had not thought more seriously - that is to say, at all - about studying science.
"Vulcan is a high-gravity world and my species has evolved myostatin inhibitors to enhance--" Kirk interrupted what threatened to be a biology lecture.
Remember Chaka's biology lecture last month?
Deirdre Labat's biology lecture and Professor Carmichael's chemistry drill session show how Xavier works.