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Install small desk recycling bins for paper printed on one side which can be reused.
New recycle bins for paper have been ordered.
I was cleaning out the trash bin for papers in the basement this morning,' she said, 'and I found some letters.
"The German government stipulated recently that every home had to have a separate bin for paper recycling, which overnight meant 40 million extra bins."
Under a recycling plan unveiled on Monday, the company will offer recycling bins for paper, cans and bottles.
Some town halls have begun installing separate street bins for paper, plastic and metal but risk angering opponents of street clutter.
• The Palais des congrès will have 30 multi-capture recycling centers set up as well as 500 blue bins for paper.
About four in 10 homes in England and Wales already have rubbish collection rules that demand they use separate bins for paper, metal, plastics and glass.
Obama's room was outfitted with in-room recycling bins for paper, plastic and glass, carpets made from recycled materials, and energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs.
The new recycling regime would have required every council to demand that householders separate their rubbish for recycling into different bins for paper, metal, plastic and glass.
Each classroom has recycling bins for paper and cardboard, students receive Waste Wise and Sustainability education, and a worm farm has been established for food scraps.
Currently, some rooms (27 in all) have recycling bins for paper, glass, plastic & aluminium - bins are on order for the next instalment to be placed in rooms.
Looking to boost sagging recycling rates, the city has begun a test program to provide waste bins for paper, cans and bottles in public spaces, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said yesterday.
The company, whose activities span providing internal recycling bins for paper in primary schools to operating landfill sites, said that Carlyle had not come up with an offer that its board could recommend to shareholders.
Archives Hong Kong (HONG KONG) Recycling bins for paper, plastic and aluminum were launched, and now can be found on all four floors of the Chancery.
Council provides: a red crate for mixed recycling (eg. glass, plastic, cans), a green crate for paper, colour coded mobile bins for paper and glass and mixed recyclables in units (on request).
The request will be rolled out to all 9,500 householders who use the council's triple bin recycling scheme - where residents have a large main bin for paper and card, containing two 50-litre compartments for glass and cans.
Recycle bins for paper, cardboard and plastic located behind Village Office Bins for household garbage located in southeast corner of the Village The dump is open every Saturday from 11:00am until 1:00pm for disposal of any other garbage.
The city is expanding a pilot program that puts recycling containers in public places like parks and ferry terminals, and will be placing bins for paper, glass, metal and plastic next to trash cans on streets in Battery Park City, the Sanitation Department said yesterday.