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- Then it'll be true that all people are bifacial.
The similarities of the bifacial technology can be explained by independent invention.
It was a bifacial, similar on both sides, and held in the hand, not with a handle like a modern axe.
In the M3 phase, bifacial flaking and bone tools disappear.
The Clovis point is bifacial and typically fluted on both sides.
Bifacial handaxes and cleavers are typical tools of this culture.
M2 phase markers are the more than 20 bone tools and a marked reduction in bifacial technology.
The lithics found in the older time period include bifacial tools, blade and microblade technology.
The Still Bay, in addition to such flakes, made bifacial tools and points .
All obsidian bifacial thinning flakes were found in a royal or elite context.
These were "bifacial projectile points with carefully shaped tips and symmetrical bodies."
A hand axe is made by chipping stone, generally flint, to form a bifacial edge, or wedge.
Egyptian stone tools, while still in use, moved from bifacial construction to ripple-flaked construction.
A lower level yields artifacts including unfluted bifacial stone tools with ages reported ranging from 15,000 to 17,000 years old.
Then one lateral edge of the bifacial core is removed, producing at first a triangular spall.
Bifacial obsidian tools include a small collection of projectile points and ambiguous tool fragments.
It was known for its distinctive toolmaking characterized by bifacial, percussion and pressure-flaked points.
It could well have been used for all three, including knives, as the bifacial Clovis point is very well made and utilitarian.
"Ranec's mother's people, the Aterians, make a spear point with bifacial retouch."
In layer C bifacial tools again predominate.
This same period developed the metallurgy used to produce ornamental, ritual objects and obsidian bifacial instruments.
Bifacial artifacts can be made on large flakes or blocks, and may be grouped into many distinct classes.
Some pieces were vaguely bifacial.
Bifacial chopper or chopping-tools were also excavated.
Other types of tools made from obsidian, especially formal bifacial tools, are rare, but present, at Chunchucmil.