In some ways his whole life was an act of passive resistance toward it.
Following the war of 1848-1849, the whole country was in "passive resistance".
Within the classroom too teachers have to live with an active or passive resistance to their best efforts.
He's no longer practicing passive resistance in the middle of a food fight.
Your own soldiers seem to be practicing a kind of passive resistance.
He hadn't felt especially noble, the way people who used passive resistance were supposed to.
There was a quality of passive resistance about her that seemed unexpectedly strong.
The most important aspect of the training was the emphasis on passive resistance.
With its emphasis on passive resistance, the student movement gave the civil rights struggle a new energy, focus and language.
Michael's journey to this ultimate form of passive resistance is well told.
Nevertheless, he continued to wage a nonviolent resistance through his songs.
Instead, it has been characterized by deliberate repression and nonviolent resistance.
It seemed to me you did a pretty good job of showing what nonviolent resistance could achieve.
It is based on historical realities of nonviolent resistance.
This allows for nonviolent resistance to the government because opposition is not a life or death proposition.
Civil disobedience is commonly, though not always, defined as being nonviolent resistance.
He decided that Indians were not yet ready for successful nonviolent resistance.
He became an advocate of nonviolent resistance, considering Gandhi the greatest movie ever made.
King goes on to describe why nonviolent resistance was so powerful.
"We need to take the initiative with nonviolent resistance and not let Sharon control the agenda," she said.