Look at half the poor devils I had under me!
Some people keep a child or two in college, poor devils.
But he had to wait a year, poor devil, before we could get him out.
The poor devil is just written off as a loss.
The poor devils have a bad enough time ahead of them.
What could the poor devil have done to help her?
Ever thought about the poor devils who have to do all the work?
Look, we did it to the poor old devil and he came through.
The poor devil was shot for something that he never did at all.
One poor devil had part of his face shot away.
After all you're not the only poor sod who didn't get your grades.
But he's still a long way to go, poor little sod.
Died just two years after he retired, the poor sod.
You've got to be better than the other poor sod.
He wasn't going to bring him back to life, though, poor little sod.
He goes over and kicks the poor sod in the head.
And with all their magic, not a one between them to help the poor sod out in a fight.
Look at the poor sod and his wife, just lost all their wages.
That can be rather hard on the poor sods, you see.
The poor sod doesn't like it, but the boss gave him no choice.
And all those poor buggers who went off to get slaughtered.
The poor bugger did not know how to talk any other way.
Doesn't really dawn on the poor little bugger that he's up against a big one.
Wonder if things will change for these two, twenty years on, poor little buggers.
The poor little bugger seemed to be attached to her.
I guess we know why the poor bugger didn't show up last night.
After all, the poor bugger would have topped himself given time.
Those poor old buggers couldn't have known what hit them.
I've got to eat, and so has the rest of them poor buggers.
The poor little buggers are going to be in enough trouble as it is.