Shortly afterwards, Taylor gave an interview in which she talked about her problems with alcohol addiction and bi-polar disorder.
So do they screen for people with bi-polar disorder, or those who don't have the mental capacity to make rational choices about loans.
A couple of months after the breakdown Tolkki was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and went into rehabilitation for a period.
Her grandson committed suicide, she said, because insurance would not cover medication for his bi-polar disorder.
The medicine is most commonly used as treatment for bi-polar disorder, Alzheimer's disease or schizophrenia.
The subject matter also relates the struggle of a character (Sarah) with bi-polar disorder.
It is later revealed that Charlie suffers from bi-polar disorder and she has stopped taking her medication.
She also suffered from what is now called bi-polar disorder and was then called manic depression.
Patients with bi-polar disorder can be misdiagnosed with depression, according to a new study in Taiwan.
Ms. Jellison has also been publicly forthcoming on her battle with bi-polar disorder.