An "organization" without traditional leaders or members faces a problem: knowing who speaks officially for the group.
This resulted in more loss of life as families could not survive without essential members.
This is irritating enough, without members of the Expedition acting like helpless school girls!
He should make a one hundred percent recovery, not only without artificial members, but with scarcely a scar.
Stiftelse: a foundation, with capital but without members or shareholders.
Today, the Senate took that tradition to new levels by passing the $25 billion bill without members realizing it.
One of the few Gallagher girls without parents that are active, or former members of the nation's secret services.
They are more likely to live in a house they own and without members of their extended family.
Consider whether you could get temporary cover from a recruitment agency if illness left you without several key members of staff.
They corrupt the institution without individual members being corrupt themselves.