He entered the needle on my right side, in the back between my waist and hip.
Ostrend stood there, his trade board between arm and hip, looking about in open puzzlement.
Quality, the cleavage term between hip and square, seemed to be it.
Or rather the hilt of the knife, sunk flush into the meat between ribs and hip, on my left side.
Find the area between the knee and hip.
It was then that the pain hit him, a searing fire in his thigh, midway between hip and knee.
The leg was amputated halfway between knee and hip.
The "hip-pop" era also saw the split between male and female hip hop fashion, which had previously been more or less similar.
It was on the outside, halfway between his knee and hip, and he did not think it very serious.
But at the hour mark, disaster: the woman's right leg collapsed between the ankle and hip.