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"We heard they are popular with lady pigs," Benzine said.
The fire occurred when a teacher tried to light a fire using benzine.
"They use him to talk for them," Benzine explained.
Though isomeric with benzine, it is very different in its chemical relations.
"He makes things hard and heavy or soft and light," Benzine said.
"And teaches young dragons the meaning of fear," Benzine added.
This dress is all fluffy, and I just had it cleaned with benzine!"
The benzine leaked and this caused the ship's hold to fill with vapour.
Benzine asked as they climbed into the boat.
You may have a price shock when you buy gasoline (benzine in Turkey).
The term is rather loosely applied to a considerable range of products, including benzine and ligroin.
I forgot to mention that petrol contains benzine, a proven carciogen.
They smelled of benzine and tasted like cardboard.
"A crossbreed between a pig and an armadillo," Benzine explained.
Not only did de Kooning switch to safflower oil, he also made up the mixture using benzine.
The benzine ignited and in the ensuing explosions 60 men, women, and children died.
The report indicated higher prices for a number of products, including hydraulics, benzine, coal, sugar and freon.
"It's the wrong side," she said, as he swabbed the stamp gently with benzine and placed it on a black tray.
Charterers of a ship loaded it with benzine.
Mr. Benzine said the two men were regular sellers of stock, and he noted that they had options allowing them to buy many more shares.
"Give him the peace pipe," Benzine said.
They can only be destroyed when dropped into a solution (part turpentine, part benzine) known as "the dip."
"We had a real scary dream about our origin, I mean where the stork got us," Benzine confided.
The interior smells of benzine and she of liquor and cigarette smoke.
'You see any more benzine?
He gave the compound the name benzin.
"Benzin" reached the top of the Danish Tracklisten.
The hydrocarbon derived from benzoic acid thus acquired the name benzin, benzol, or benzene.
In Germany, gasoline is called Benzin (which is derived from the chemical mixture benzine).
Fuel price (Gheimat benzin)
OK Benzin operate the Petrol Station.
The types of gas are clearly labeled: diesel is just diesel, regular and super are "benzin" or "super."
Raucher, Deutsches Benzin.
Benzin auf dem Berg - Beatallica.
The first single from the album, "Benzin", premiered at the Berliner Wuhlheide and was subsequently released on disc.
Note: Asche Zu Asche and Benzin were later played in the tour.
"Benzin auf dem Berg" is the German film noir counterpart to "Fuel on the Hill".
Members of the scientific advisory board of Nicolas Benzin Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main.
An example is Benzin, which is neuter in Standard German, but masculine in Northern Bavarian.
Emmanuelle Seigner - additional vocals ("Liebe und Benzin")
Sisters Ramadani - chor voices ("Liebe und Benzin")
The album spawned the singles "Rosenrot", the homosexuality-themed "Mann gegen Mann" and "Benzin".
He is seen about to jump off the top of a burning building (trying and failing to land safely on a trampoline) in the video for "Benzin" ("Gasoline" or "Petrol").
The first work he composed for the Royal Danish Theatre was music for the ballet Benzin by Storm P. staged by Elna Ørnberg in 1930.
However, as of the Liebe Ist Für Alle Da tour, Benzin has returned to being performed with pyrotechnics, including a flamethrower disguised as a petrol pump.
About 2000 Hungarian Jewish women were held in this subcamp, and were given the task of clearing the area of the Gelsenberg Benzin AG of rubble in the summer 1944.
O'zbekistonning Buxoro viloyatida davom etayotgan benzin tanqisligida Buxoro viloyati hokimi lavozimida 15 yildirki xizmat qilib kelayotgan Samoydin Xusenovning o'g'li va jiyanlari gumon qilinmoqda.
In one of the world's largest oil-producing nations, ordinary Russians are combusting over the rising cost of benzin, and everyone from President Boris N. Yeltsin to lowly regional legislators is seeking cover from the fallout.
As with commuters all over the world, she had a route composed of indirect shortcuts that avoided the handful of traffic bottlenecks and saved a few minutes each day at the cost of an extra liter or two of benzin.
Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
"We heard they are popular with lady pigs," Benzine said.
The fire occurred when a teacher tried to light a fire using benzine.
"They use him to talk for them," Benzine explained.
"He makes things hard and heavy or soft and light," Benzine said.
"And teaches young dragons the meaning of fear," Benzine added.
Though isomeric with benzine, it is very different in its chemical relations.
Benzine, as a result, was worried about how he was going to get money to pay his rent.
This dress is all fluffy, and I just had it cleaned with benzine!"
You may have a price shock when you buy gasoline (benzine in Turkey).
The benzine leaked and this caused the ship's hold to fill with vapour.
Benzine asked as they climbed into the boat.
"With a big snake and two cats," Benzine added.
They smelled of benzine and tasted like cardboard.
Benzine and child leukemia, and family mental health, as part of a commuter lifestyle.
"A crossbreed between a pig and an armadillo," Benzine explained.
The benzine ignited and in the ensuing explosions 60 men, women, and children died.
Charterers of a ship loaded it with benzine.
"It's the wrong side," she said, as he swabbed the stamp gently with benzine and placed it on a black tray.
The report indicated higher prices for a number of products, including hydraulics, benzine, coal, sugar and freon.
We picked a 1997 Ford Mondeo with 335 kilometers on the engine, which is a lot for a benzine car.
Not only did de Kooning switch to safflower oil, he also made up the mixture using benzine.
Mr. Benzine said the two men were regular sellers of stock, and he noted that they had options allowing them to buy many more shares.
They can only be destroyed when dropped into a solution (part turpentine, part benzine) known as "the dip."
"We had a real scary dream about our origin, I mean where the stork got us," Benzine confided.
"Give him the peace pipe," Benzine said.
The definition of petroleum ether has never been clear to me.
Petroleum ether is mostly used by pharmaceutical companies and in the manufacturing process.
Petroleum ether acts as a solvent that aids in the extraction of fat.
"Petroleum ether" is just a more volatile mixture of hydrocarbons than hexane.
Would the result be the same if I only once used 6 mL of petroleum ether?
Petroleum ether is useful for removing the gum from self-adhesive stamps.
Hydrocarbon mixtures are composed of petroleum ethers and other hydrocarbons.
The petroleum ether ignited and in the ensuing explosions 60 men, women and children died.
Most lipid extraction protocols we have seen on the internet call for a petroleum ether solvent.
So the term "petroleum ether" is misleading.
Replies: Petroleum ether isn't an ether at all really.
Replies: Amit, Petroleum ether is a horribly misleading name.
You can find petroleum ether which has a much higher boiling point than the one you describe below, and would therefore have longer hydrocarbon chains.
Another fire occurred on June 5, 1892, when Oil Creek flooded and a tank of petroleum ether overturned.
I. Petroleum ether fraction.
Manganese tetrafluoride reacts violently with water and even with sodium-dried petroleum ether.
It is synthesized by the reaction of hydrogen cyanide and barium hydroxide in water or petroleum ether.
Replies: The "free" evaporation of petroleum ether is quite adequate to concentrate the naphthalene solution to saturation.
Best wishes Tom Collins First, "petroleum ether" is not an ether.
In a typical setup 50 grams dl-methadone is dissolved in petroleum ether and concentrated.
Petroleum ether is a very volatile, very dagerous substance - much more flammable than gasoline.
Petroleum ether, acetone, and hexane (or mixtures of these) are also used very commonly for chlorophyll extractions.
The conversion is typically conducted in the presence of an aluminium chloride catalyst in a petroleum ether solvent.
No 1: 45 parts chloroform, 180 parts sulphuric ether, 15 parts petroleum ether.
Delta 9 THC is most strongly soluble in petroleum ether and less so in ethanol.
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