Mead theorized that human beings begin their understanding of the social world through "play" and "game".
From that moment, it was only a matter of time before human beings began to venture beyond their own solar system.
Nothing happened at first, but then the beings began leaving the boat for a time and returning.
Or at least there were that many before human beings appeared very late in the game and began changing the rules.
Evidence suggests that human beings may have begun wearing clothing as far back as 100,000 to 500,000 years ago.
Tomorrow these three human beings, whom fate has made masters of this sorry planet for the time being, will begin their conference.
Human beings had begun to mutate too, in body and in mind.
Five pads lit up and four beings began to materialize, one large enough to span two of them.
Human beings may have begun wearing clothing as far back as 190,000 years ago.
The intelligent beings would begin by storing a finite amount of energy.