In most cases, these pairs of genes behave identically.
For personal moods only the first person in the singular is shown, as the other forms behave identically.
And, when they expressed them in the lab, the proteins behaved almost identically, as well.
In aqueous solution, all forms of zinc sulfate behave identically.
In standard tests of anxiety response to open spaces, the knockout and normal mice behaved almost identically.
In the electron example above, the two "types" of electrons behave identically under the strong and weak forces, but differently under the electromagnetic force.
For most purposes, all three of these types of atoms behave identically from a chemical perspective.
Most packages are the same on both distributions and the two systems behave almost identically.
The results of this experiment indicate that all four transcripts behaved identically with respect to individual stress conditions (Fig.
Normally, the two enantiomers of a molecule behave identically to each other.