Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
De Beers pulled up stakes, never to return.
The beer pulls had been returned to their places upon the bar, but only three of them were fully functional. '
The bronze statue of an arm lifting a tankard over the bar - a working beer pull - is an eccentric touch.
He rubbed his hands together and made a motion towards the beer pulls as if to say 'Merits a couple of free ones then.'
Last week Boston Beer pulled radio commercials featuring Mr. Affleck.
They had come from other places and would go to other places but sitting against the light at four in the afternoon they seemed as permanent as the beer pulls.
The line will continue to hold beer, which will tend to go stale overnight, so the first beer pulled through will be bad beer, and this will be simply thrown away.
Eliminated: Doreen (Root Beer Float as Root Beer Pulled Pork with Jalapeño Crème Fraîche)