They were in the bedroom of Paul Brandon's apartment.
She was in the bedroom of her apartment, in less than five minutes, tearing off her evening gown.
As I stood there in that bedroom of Tyler's apartment, however, there was no more avoiding it.
Shivering, burning with fever, soaking with sweat, she lay on a mattress in the bedroom of their tiny apartment.
The couple's daughter, 21, found their bodies and a gun yesterday morning in the bedroom of the woman's apartment at 1760 Watson Avenue, the police said.
Around her, the bedroom of her little apartment was silent.
He took Scott to the bedroom of his apartment on Sunday and shot him in the head before killing himself, too, the police said.
They found her body in the bedroom of her apartment.
He had walked into the bedroom of their apartment and asked her what she was doing, where she was going.
Fire officials said that the fire began in the bedroom of his apartment on the 17th floor of 60 West 142nd Street.