Manny Farber summarized the film at the time, "The movie, to be shown around the 16mm circuit, has been beautifully edited (by Miss Levitt) into a somber study of the American figure, from childhood to old age, growing stiffer, uglier, and lonelier with the passage of years."
When it was shown at the New York Film Festival last month, Stephen Holden, writing in The New York Times, called the film a "sober, beautifully edited documentary portrait."
They're just boy-girl, night-fun, leading up to pouring the beer, all in 30 seconds, beautifully edited and photographed.
This is clearly the case here: the performer is absent, and although the text has been expertly edited and beautifully illustrated, it rarely takes off from the page.
If there is one movie that ought to be studied by military and civilian leaders around the world at this treacherous historical moment, it is Mr. Morris's sober, beautifully edited documentary portrait of Robert S. McNamara, the former defense secretary.
This "beautifully edited collection" traces "the development of an indigenous American avant-garde style, a unique modernist accomplishment that embraces all of the poet's intelligence along with all of his American experience."
This beautifully edited collection gives the poems from the first half of his career in restored chronological order, including uncollected poems as well as separate volumes, with indexes of titles and first lines, the original contents pages and helpful notes by the editors.