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A robin perched on the fence close by, beadily watching them.
She blinked beadily in case a confession was forthcoming, then waved her hand.
"Seven seconds," Julian said with a smile, and the corporal eyed him beadily.
A large black bird in the box looked beadily at Kin, and went back to preening its feathers.
The assistant manager looked at me beadily. '
As his whole body shook his blood- shot eyes continued, beadily, to regard the sorcerer.
The bird, inured to the much greater clatter of the market, regarded him beadily and did it again.
Comstock glances beadily at his wire recorders, makes sure those reels are spinning.
Something glinted beadily beneath, twin lenses?
Eyes, hypnotic eyes, glared beadily, along with a terrifying hood, and the whisper that it delivered was the lisp of death.
His gun was still pointed toward the platform; his eyes, peering through narrowed slits, were beadily viewing the wealth displayed there.
His face, like his hair, was grayish; his eyes stared beadily from the sides of his pudgy nose.
This," she eyed him beadily, "brings us to you, Mr. Van Atta.
When the birds were sated, they settled on the ship, their clamour silenced, and beadily watched their fellow passengers from the railings and the lifeboats.
In one skeleton's pelvic area mountain bluebirds had built a nest, and in it the female bird, surrounded by peeping young, stared beadily at the startled boy.
With pale face, Loretti was standing across the room, his hands up beside his head, his eyes staring beadily as Socks Mallory advanced.
The suburb of Sarsaparilla, the setting for several stories, is like Our Town of Thornton Wilder, but with White's "beadily disapproving gaze".
It was big, half Pandaras's height, and looked beadily at him as if wondering whether it would be easy to kill him, and what he might taste like.
An autocratic young actor-manager created the storm out of an improvisation session, assumed the role of Prospero and beadily supervised the action from an on-stage dressing room.
A double handful of geese waddled about, beadily eyeing the ground but not finding anything worth pecking, and someone had tethered a milkcow to crop the sparse growth.
They're all low-budget, smartly "talky" chamber pieces, beadily focusing on a small number of people in often confined spaces - without, as memory serves, a single explosion or car chase.
'Then she's alive, and she's well ... I thought Keridil might betray our pact . . . ' Erminet looked at him beadily.
The Kiwis refueled the Squirrel from a drum line, eyed beadily by a line of skuas, the ugly brown migratory gulls ubiquitous around the coast of Antarctica in summer.
Linda Grant's We Had It So Good is a beadily observed portrait of the luck of the babyboomers, the generation that "never fully understood its own fortune", easing from hippy revolution into establishment comfort.
Obvious videoscan units gleamed beadily from the ceiling, but there was a standard forty-second delay on the recording system, and two Shorn lawyers sat in, to make sure anything potentially awkward got stopped before it was halfway said.