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No thank you - I've been laughed out of court enough times as is already.
If we asked for an indictment we'd be laughed out of court.
Any other service wasting so much money would be laughed out of court.
The case would later be laughed out of court.
At that time, we were laughed out of court.
All the old values have disappeared, been laughed out of court, and we've got nothing in their place."
You'd be laughed out of court, even if you could find a lawyer to take your case.'
If someone wrote a novel or screenplay with that idea it would probably be laughed out of court but this actually happened.
"He knows as well as I do that the girl would be laughed out of court.
Not without being laughed out of court, anyway.
Any attempt to charge us with some legal offence would surely be laughed out of court.
I suggest that if that proposal is being made seriously, it would be laughed out of court across Europe.
We should be laughed out of court if we came with such a story and such evidence."
Isn't it about time this silly nonsense was laughed out of court, and have done with it.
Companies talking about their First Amendment right to sell such a product would be laughed out of court or Congress.
One observer remarked that had the jury seen the evidence of the files the case would have been laughed out of court.
Surely he knew his commanding officer well enough to be certain that no reasonable proposal would be laughed out of court.
Instead of the death penalty, he is condemned to eternal life and is laughed out of court.
The Canterbury monks were unprepared for these questions, stumbled in their answers, and were laughed out of court.
"You would hope that if a case was brought it would be laughed out of court," Mr. Bernstein, the law professor, said.
E. would've been laughed out of court."
I'd be laughed out of court, literally."
And if he gets that far without being laughed out of court, he's still got to explain how a thing smaller than an atom could hurt anyone!"
"Yes, and if this were peacetime I'd be laughed out of court," Trask said.
The little theaterite is finding out that he can't take himself too seriously, or he will be laughed out of court.
Chrysler knew that to avoid being laughed out of town, it would have to build a running example.
It would be laughed out of town faster than a Broadway flop.
And the Tea Baggers should be laughed out of town.
If we were to wear the latest fashions, we would surely be laughed out of town.
You'd be laughed out of town if you tried to pin the job on one of your typical fall guys."
His movies do not make much money by Hollywood standards, and his demands for creative freedom, coming from anyone else, would be laughed out of town.
"He'd be laughed out of town."
"If Lee Iaccoca came to town and said give us this kind of subsidy for these kinds of returns, he'd be laughed out of town."
It doesn't matter how beloved the Cowboys are in Dallas; if Jerry Jones ever put out a call for free labor, he'd be laughed out of town.
Edmund Morris knew he would be laughed out of town if he tried to spin tales of cherry trees, so he makes a more post-modern attempt at spinning.
There the sauerkraut goes to the dogs, according to a certain mayor who prefers to remain anonymous rather than be laughed out of town before his term of office expires.
I could have been laughed out of town, it might have not worked: 'He sucks, he was on Idol and we saw who he really was, he's an idiot.'
A beaded choker around his neck completed what was, in that era, quite a smart outfit and which, in any other era, would have caused him to be laughed out of town.
If someone had predicted 25 years ago that paintings by Mel Ramos would be found in seriously hip New York art galleries one day, they would have been laughed out of town.
Tragically, Homer's career ended in failure when he moved up to Capital City and was laughed out of town when he tried to compete against the Capital City Goofball.
"Of course if I did this in Vietnam, particularly my second tour, I would have been laughed out of town," General Peay, a Virginia Military Institute graduate, said with a small smile.
A request for a new research vessel would be laughed out of town (PhD studentships in science have already been cut and are likely to be reduced next round because of the spending constraints on RCUK).
Henry Raymond possessed the disquieting talent of being able to rattle off, from memory, on the fingers of both hands, the names of New York papers that, over the last 50 years, had been laughed out of town after a single issue.
But if Gwathmey's parents, an artist and a photographer, came now to Amagansett, L.I., where their house was completed in 1966, they would probably be laughed out of town by the first real-estate agent who heard their budget ($35,000, the equivalent of $165,000 today).
In fact, if you had told just about anyone in Washington a year ago that Rogers - one of the last Old Bulls left in a House dominated by angry ideologues - would sit atop the most powerful committee in Congress, you would have been laughed out of town.
He was laughed out of business.
Tom Coleman, who owns the franchise rights for all of Ireland, acknowledges he couldn't emulate the Bennigan's restaurants elsewhere, saying "he'd be laughed out of business were he to plaster his restaurants with shillelaghs and shamrocks," Mr. Farkas writes.