The two girls had been up late the night before, each making a batch of banana muffins.
The recipes are the same for each fair - chiffon cake for the older crowd and banana muffins for juniors.
The mother brings banana muffins as a peace offering.
These banana muffins, plum bread, or fruity flapjacks might not reappear with the lunch box.
Take your pick from blueberry muffins, banana muffins or even lemon drizzle muffins.
There were housewives who had formed cooperatives to produce homemade cheeses and banana muffins for school lunch programs.
Nora Ray purchased a soda and a banana muffin, which she then proceeded to pick at with her fingers as they sat at a small plastic table.
Their banana muffins and cheesecake was my favourite!
All are made on the premises and all are terrific, as are the scones and banana muffins.
Breakfast was served at the poolside - fresh fruits, banana muffins, and a steaming callaloo (a type of spinach) omelette.