Proposition Six, known as the Briggs amendment, would have banned gays from teaching in California public schools.
On the one hand, it wants to ban gays from marrying, through a constitutional amendment that the Senate will vote on this week.
The company had a long-standing policy, dating from 1981, which banned gays from their "couples-only" resorts.
A Florida judge yesterday upheld a state law banning gays from adopting children, the first federal court ruling on the issue.
The Department of Defense's justifications for its policy banning gays and lesbians from military service are based on cultural myths and false stereotypes.
In 1986, he co-sponsored a bill that would have banned gays from teaching in public schools or working in day-care centers in Washington.
It's a shame this same organization continues to ban gays, atheist and agnostic boys from being scouts.