She gets only average grades and she's the world's worst speller.
The difference between a good and bad speller is neuromuscular, the professor says.
Mr. Wilson says some of his colleagues are by nature such bad spellers.
Do you hear this funny bizarro voice in your head when you read bad spellers on the internet?
If he has been a bad speller in his reports to his service, don't volunteer to copy edit!
Thinking about why you make particular mistakes (rather than just resigning yourself to being "a bad speller" ) is one way of overcoming spelling problems.
I'm a very bad speller and I was embarrassed by that.
"You are not alone," bad spellers are reassured.
Many people who are bad spellers are in fact either badly educated, careless, lazy or just not very bright.
The search engine's "did you mean" feature helps even the worst spellers locate useful results.