Barricades were erected and the battle went on for hours, the worst rioting in the city since 1849.
Last year the Government ordered austerity measures, and the unexpectedly harsh bite set off the worst rioting in decades, with at least 300 dead.
It was the worst rioting the country had yet seen.
And some of the worst rioting over the past four decades has had surprisingly interracial components.
The toll in what will go down as the worst rioting in US history is incomprehensible.
However, the worst rioting in Toxteth has now ended.
The announcement was made as troops and heavy armament began to withdraw from the city after the worst rioting in years.
Rumsfeld initially dismissed the widespread looting as no worse than rioting in a major American city.
Modest price increases last year touched off some of the worst rioting here in recent memory.
There were riots twice in the town against the war and bad rioting in Turin.