The story follows their exploits and they seek to survive one of the worst pogroms of all time.
The 1905 Pogrom of Odessa was the worst anti-Jewish pogrom in Odessa's history.
In 1420 these libels culminated in one of Vienna's worst pogroms, during which many Jews committed collective suicide.
In 1389 one of the worst pogroms saw some 1,500 massacred at Easter Sunday.
The worst pogroms occurred in Proskuriv (arguably the most savage, organised by otaman Semesenko in February 1919), Zhytomoyr, Cherkasy, Rivne, Fastiv, Korosten and Bakhmach.
It has been described as the worst Anti-Muslim pogroms in India since WWII.
In 1190, York Castle was the location of one of the worst pogroms in England during the medieval period.
However, atrocities were committed by both sides, and by far the worst pogroms were conducted when Transylvania was again occupied by the Romanians in 1944.
It was one of the first and worst pogroms in pre-modern history.
The recent massacre of Armenians revived memories of the pogrom; even worse than organized state repression is unbridled hatred.